Jan 28, 2009

January 2009 - Photographs

January began with a war which dragged on from the previous month. It is ending with the propaganda broadcasts in honor of the near election and the visit of the new American government's envoy to the Middle East.
The Hebrew translation for 'New Government' is "Mimsahl Chadash", words which I find pleasant to roll on my tongue.
I am trying to think about the right way to summarize the last month in words, fortunately, my pictures can make it for me.
But their 'duty' is not no summaries, but to remind me, even years from now what was happening here and by doing that my tremendous fear to forget, to miss or not being will be solved.
January - my family in unprotected area and one man who vowed to be a president.

The war has ceased, in Beer Sheva children went out to the yard, the adults took off their pyjamas, and in the USA the americans celebrated the victory of the man that his last great quality is his color, and in Tel Aviv, nothing has changed.

The Frame Is A Daily Frame, The Exhibition Is Monthly

I have defeated the obsession!
Since I started photographing the "Daily Frame Project", the tasks which occupied most of my time were the dating and numbering of the pictures I had taken during that time. After three years of being totally consumed by this obsession, which became even more important than the pictures themselves, I am returning my pictures back to their place of honor and thus making them the most important again. There will be dates, and I will still be able to remember what I was doing when I was taking the picture, but there will not be any delay between the day the pictures are developed and the day they are put into my blog. This will be the reward after years of having to wait for the dating progress to end. This may have been the correct thing to do, or it may have been madness itself!


This month I am celebrating the beginning of the 4th year for my "Daily Frame Project" which I have started in 2005 with some friends at school
My inspiration was the French photographer, Frank Horvat & his book "1999 Daily Report". Since 2005 I have taken almost 10,000 pictures, one frame for a day, there were days when I didn't take pictures at all or took several films for a day
During this period I have been using 3 different cameras, most of the time Canon Eos 30 loaded with Fuji Superia 400 ISO
 On May 2007, after a friend of mine convinced me to so I have started scanning my films. Having my pictures as digital files made the decision to have a blog possible, there was also a meeting with my former teacher, and a freind today that convinced me to open my own blog, he wanted me to edit a book using my daily frames. I found myself ending the meeting with him unhappy, because I knew I can either afford myself producing a book, nor having the paitent for that. I found a blog a better, rich & immidiate soulotion for me right now.
The early years of the "Daily Frame" will find thier way to my blog, soon.
There is of course an Haberw virsion of the blog
Mazal Shoofan-Shabani